Ergonomic problems can be found in the design of tasks, manual handling, workstation layout and production lines.
Our qualified and experienced Health, Safety & Environmental consultants are skilled in observing work spaces and work practices. They will assess your company’s needs and provide practical recommendations and customised training as required.
An Ergonomic Assessment looks at:​
The demands on the worker: activities, workload, work pacing, shift work and fatigue.
Equipment used: its' design in terms of size, shape, controls, displays, and how appropriate it is for the task.
Information used: how it is presented, accessed, and changed.
The physical environment: temperature, humidity, lighting, noise, vibration
The Benefits​
Less compensation claims due to a reduction in accidents
Improved performance resulting in improved productivity
More streamlined workflows resulting in higher profitability
A better workplace culture from a happier, safer workforce
Your Duty in Relation to Ergonomic Assessments
The Australian Workplace Health and Safety Strategy 2012–2022 has set three national targets to be achieved by 2022.
They are based on reductions of worker fatalities due to injury, claims resulting in one or more weeks off work and claims for musculoskeletal disorders resulting in one or more weeks off work. In order to achieve these targets, you need to consider effective work design in your workplace.
A failure to do so could result in a breach of the WHS legislation.
Contact us today to discover ways we can assist you.
AREAS COVERED: Australia Wide