🧯Fire Protection and Firefighting equipment must be properly installed, maintained and tested to ensure it provides the level of protection required. Allow Outsource Safety to assist you with our Fire Equipment Testing and Inspection Services, and minimise the risk of fatal workplace fires.
We can Inspect, service and maintain all fire equipment items including extinguishers, blankets, hose reels, emergency exits and lighting and fire and smoke doors.
We also provide:
✔️ First aid kit servicing
✔️ Traffic management plans
✔️ Ergonomic assessments
✔️ Noise assessments environmental assessments
✔️ Fire Extinguisher and equipment inspections
✔️ Emergency Light Testing
✔️ Fire emergency Management
✔️ Spill Kit Servicing
✔️ Electrical Equipment Test and Tagging
✔️ Covid Management Plans
✔️ Online Safety Document Library
✔️ Work Station Assessments
Combine and Save*
Save 10% Off Your Total when combined with Electrical Test and Tag services. Plus, save an additional 5% when you use our ‘Pre-Pay; option with either a 3, 5 or 12 month plan.
🧯Find out more and view our instant estimate
Contact us today to see how we can help you!
📞 1300 776 469
💻 www.outsourcesafetyaus.com
✉️ info@outsourcesafetyaus.com
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